Our philosophy
Chiropractors are specially trained to treat muscular and joint disorders, as well as some neuromuscular conditions. There are various treatment methods that chiropractors may use, including adjustments (see below), rehabilitation and a range of soft tissue therapies.
At North Adelaide Chiropractic, we believe that chiropractic is a powerful, non-invasive method of treating musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions. We aim to treat not only your symptoms but also the cause of your symptoms. By addressing these causes, we aim to prevent the symptoms from recurring.

What is an adjustment?
An adjustment is a precise thrust into a joint that is fixated or ‘stiff’ – the aim of an adjustment is to free up that joint so that it is moving properly once again. Sometimes, a ‘pop’ or ‘click’ can be heard after an adjustment. These sounds are simply gas bubbles in the joint being displaced – there is no evidence indicating that these sounds are harmful. In fact, adjustments are relatively harmless and have large amounts of evidence supporting their therapeutical benefits. See our conditions treated for more details and online links to these studies.

Adjustments can be done in various ways, including manually with hands or a drop table, or more hands-free with an instrument known as an activator.
At North Adelaide Chiropractic, we provide several options for adjustments. Which method, or combination of methods, we use will be determined by your symptoms, your history and any personal preferences you may have.

Doctors of Chiropractic have to study University-accredited programs and be registered with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)to receive their license.

At North Adelaide Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr Joshua Chin studied 5 years at Murdoch University to attain a double degree in Science and in Chiropractic. He graduated with Distinction.
In particular, Murdoch University is known for its heavy emphasis on evidence-based care. At the time of Dr Joshua’s studies, the Head of Chiropractic was Professor Bruce Walker – since 1983, Professor Walker has published dozens of studies regarding chiropractic and back pain, many of which can be found online today.

Types of care

At North Adelaide Chiropractic, we aim to keep you as pain-free as possible. Generally, there are two types of care we can provide:
Crisis care: wait for the symptoms to happen before taking action.
Maintenance and wellness care: take action early and prevent the symptoms from occurring.
While Dr Joshua will make recommendations and treatment plans based on your lifestyle and habits, the choice of care you wish to undertake is ultimately yours.

If you are seeking patient-focused, results-driven care then give North Adelaide Chiropractic a call on 8361 8182 or book online via our website. We are located at 183 Tynte Street, North Adelaide SA 5006. We can be found inside the North Adelaide Medical Centre on Suite 21, Second Floor as a part of Prevent Physiotherapy.

North Adelaide Chiropractic also services the surrounding areas of Adelaide City, Thebarton, Torrensville, Hindmarsh, Bowden, Ovingham, Brompton, Thorngate, Prospect, Nailsworth, Medindie, Collinswood, Gilberton, Walkerville, Joslin, College Park and Hackney.
For those living further away, convenient appointment times can be made so that you can come by after work in the city or in a lunch break.