What can I expect on my first visit?

After filling in the required paperwork, the chiropractor will take you into the consult room for a thorough history and examination. In most cases, the next step will be treatment on the first visit. However, in some rare cases, you may be referred for imaging to ensure that treatment will be safe for you.

Are chiropractic adjustments safe and/or effective?

When used for treating musculoskeletal joint disorders: yes. Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments (also known as manipulations) are both effective and have a very low risk of adverse effects. On Medscape (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/740848_2), Dr Lie (MD, MSEd) noted that “sufficient evidence supports the use of chiropractic manipulative therapy for low back pain and tension-type headache.”

Below are a few examples of studies further demonstrating the efficacy of chiropractic adjustments:

Bronfort G1, Haas M, Evans RL, Bouter LM. 2004. Efficacy of spinal manipulation and mobilization for low back pain and neck pain: a systematic review and best evidence synthesis. Spine Journal. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15125860 DOI: 1016/j.spinee.2003.06.002

Santilli V, Beghi E, Finucci S. 2006. Spine Journal. Chiropractic manipulation in the treatment of acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion: a randomized double-blind clinical trial of active and simulated spinal manipulations. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16517383 DOI: 1016/j.spinee.2005.08.001

Sometimes, patients may feel a little sore or tender in the area that was adjusted. This is more likely to occur if you haven’t had an adjustment before or if you haven’t had an adjustment in a long time. Think of it as the first time going to the gym in a while – your muscles will be sore as they would not be used to working or moving in those particular ways. Similarly, an adjustment relieves the tension in your joints, and allows the joint to move in ways it is not normally used to.

Overall however, chiropractic is a hands-on, non-invasive, natural method of enabling your body to be at its best.

Do adjustments hurt?

Chiropractic adjustments will mostly be pain-free and often are in fact very relieving. We use a range of different methods (manual, activator and drop piece) to make sure that you are always comfortable with the adjustment.

How long will it take for me to get better?

There is no definite answer – this will depend on your individual case. As a general rule of thumb, acute cases will recover faster than chronic case, though the severity of the injury will play a factor. Often, we will see some improvements within the first 3-5 sessions. If we fail to see improvements, we will need to re-assess your case, perhaps referring for imaging (such as MRI or x-rays) or changing the treatment techniques used.

Nonetheless, we are a reputation-based clinic that thrives on referrals and feedback. Rest assured that we aim to get you to your best as quickly as possible.

What is wellness or maintenance care?

There are essentially two types of care. The first type is “crisis or symptomatic care,” and occurs when patients come in to see us to relieve their pain and symptoms. Many of our patients start off seeking this first type of care.

The second type of care is a proactive method that keeps you at your best for the long term. This is “wellness or maintenance care.” With this type of care, we aim to keep your body in top shape to prevent your symptoms from returning. The frequency of this care will depend on several factors, including your lifestyle and work habits.

No matter which care you are seeking, we will always be more than happy to help.

Do I need to see a chiropractor for the rest of my life?

No – see above regarding maintenance care. Whether you wish to continue care or not is up to you and can depend upon your lifestyle and work habits.