**After Hours Appointments are currently unavailable. Please check https://www.chiroactive.com.au/after-hours-chiro-care for other options.**

Our address is 183 Tynte Street, North Adelaide. We are located inside the North Adelaide Medical Centre.

North Adelaide Chiropractic is now open on Sundays for after hours appointments! 

When: Sundays, 9am to 11:30am

Contact: SMS 0401 524 510 to arrange an appointment

Fees: $160 After Hours Initial Appointment – includes history, examination and extended treatment session

If you’ve injured yourself on the weekend and are living in Adelaide or visiting Adelaide, you won’t need to wait until Monday for treatment. We have appointments available on Sunday for your convenience and can provide fast, effective pain relief for your spinal, muscle and joint injuries.

Dr Joshua has seen countless after hours emergency and acute pain patients throughout his years as a chiropractor. He understands the importance of getting you moving again before the week starts and will take all the time necessary to give you the relief you need. You can learn more about Joshua here.

We look forward to helping you!