
TMJ Headache


Overview The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint responsible for controlling our jaw movements. A restricted, stiff or dysfunctional TMJ can be painful and annoying to deal with, and may even be responsible for headaches. How can the jaw cause headaches? Constantly clenching our jaw or grinding our teeth is one common way that [...]

TMJ Headache2019-08-26T06:05:23+00:00

Headache treatment near Adelaide CBD and in North Adelaide, Thorngate, Brompton, Prospect


Cervicogenic headache Headaches can be caused from many variables. One common subtype of headache is known as the cervicogenic headache. Cervicogenic headaches are headaches that are derived from the musculoskeletal systems of our neck. This means that the headache is coming from our neck: whether it be from tight muscles, stiff joints, inflamed intervertebral [...]

Headache treatment near Adelaide CBD and in North Adelaide, Thorngate, Brompton, Prospect2019-01-13T23:24:19+00:00
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