
Upper crossed syndrome


Upper crossed syndrome is a condition wherein muscles in our chest, neck and upper back become imbalanced. This can then lead to pain in our neck and spine, and sometimes headaches. In severe cases, numbness or tingling can occur in our upper limbs. What does it mean for muscles to be imbalanced? Imbalanced muscles [...]

Upper crossed syndrome2019-07-17T10:50:41+00:00

Best Posture Treatment – Adelaide Chiropractor in North Adelaide


Suffering from poor posture or wondering how to prevent poor posture? We're here to help.  Text neck With the increase in smartphone and tablet usage, our necks are prone to looking downwards more than ever. This leads to what is known as “anterior head carriage” or “text neck” where our necks jut out [...]

Best Posture Treatment – Adelaide Chiropractor in North Adelaide2019-05-05T08:45:08+00:00
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