
SIJ Syndrome


The sacroiliac joint (referred to as the SIJ) is located beneath our spine and connects our sacrum (the upper part of our ‘tailbone’) with the rest of our pelvis. SIJ syndrome or dysfunction can occur when the SIJ is inflamed, injured and/or stiff. This can be caused through trauma, or even built up over [...]

SIJ Syndrome2019-09-11T08:42:43+00:00

Upper crossed syndrome


Upper crossed syndrome is a condition wherein muscles in our chest, neck and upper back become imbalanced. This can then lead to pain in our neck and spine, and sometimes headaches. In severe cases, numbness or tingling can occur in our upper limbs. What does it mean for muscles to be imbalanced? Imbalanced muscles [...]

Upper crossed syndrome2019-07-17T10:50:41+00:00
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