Acute low back pain focus #1 – Bulging disc

Have you ever felt your low back become extremely sore after a ‘twinge’ while doing something relatively simple?

A possible and common cause for this is a bulging disc. Disc problems tend to build up over time without any symptoms – then when they have had enough, there is an extreme flare up with very acute pain and symptoms. Often, this flare up can be from something minor, such as sneezing, putting on shoes or bending to lift something. Getting out of bed or from a seated position can be agonizing. If the disc bulge is sitting at a bad angle, it can entrap and irritate nerves, such as the nerve roots that eventually form the sciatic nerve (and thus giving you symptoms like sciatica).

While disc pain is acute, the disc injury is often chronic. This means that people who have suffered from a bulging disc in the past will likely have a flare up of symptoms in the future. This can be a problem since acute disc pain often leaves people in agony for up to weeks, or until the disc settles back down. Missing work and other commitments due to pain should not be something we have to go through.

Disc injuries can be treated. Chiropractic treatment is a common method of relieving disc pain. At North Adelaide Chiropractic, we also go through strengthening and prevention exercises after you have recovered. We aim to strengthen your core and keep your muscles and joints limber through a mix of maintenance treatments and home exercises.

Alternative treatment methods to disc injuries are painkillers and surgeries. Painkillers are more of a symptomatic fix and do not address the underlying issues of what is causing the disc bulge (poor lifting technique, poor core strength, stiff joints, poor work ergonomics, and so on). For severe disc injuries, surgery can sometimes be the only option. While surgery can be quite effective, it certainly does have its risks.

For long-lasting pain-relief with the aim of prevention and strengthening, give North Adelaide Chiropractic a call on 8361 8182. Alternatively, you can book online via our website. We look forward to helping you.